Ernesto Romero
I was born in Mexico City where I started tattooing along with my brother in 1992, back then there was no tattoo shops at all in Mexico so pretty much all the tattoo scene was underground and we took part of it. In 1997 after one year of living in Cozumel Island I started tattooing at Diamond Glenn's shop Maya Tattoo until 2001, then I moved to Minneapolis for a year where I worked for a few months at Tattoo Gallery. In 2002 I went back to Cozumel I worked again at Maya Tattoo along with Jim Chavariolli until 2005 when hurricane Wilma hit the Island and ruined the bussines. My friend Jim was forced to close the shop and for the next couple of years I spent my time traveling back and forth to Winnipeg, Canada doing guest spots at Soul Survivors. In 2006, Maya Tattoo came back to business but this time I was the owner along with my friend Eric, we had the shop for a couple or years until I got and offer to come and work at the Ink Lab, so I closed my shop and I have been here since 2008. Until now I have been full time at the shop but this year from August to May I'll be out of town so if you would like to make an appointment with me Ill be happy to do your tattoo during spring or summer time, otherwise you can find me in the meantime in my hammock in Cozumel! Thanks for taking the time for reading this and I hope you end up happy with your tattoo.